... Meryl Streep
Rad berem o izrednih ljudeh, ker me navdušijo, poženejo naprej. Meryl Streep je ena mojih junakinj; verjetno najbolj nadarjena igralka modernega filma, njegova prva dama. Je izobražena - naša nova Miss Iris Mulej ji domnevno visokemu IQ ne seže prav visoko. Morda je kdo bral njen intervju v nedavnem Žurnalu, kjer je obupala nad razpolovitvijo števila 50 -, njene besede so pomenljive. Ravnokar sem gledal reklamo, v kateri pravi, kako pomembno je branje.
"Acting requires a lot of preparation. You've got to understand the person that you're playing, and to do that, you've got to understand yourself and the world around you. And the best way to learn that is by reading. I'm Meryl Streep. And whether you want to be an actor, or an athlete or an architect, reading is vital. Especially newspapers. Newspapers let you know what's happening like nothing else can, and reading will help you become a star, in the most important role of all: life."
Beseda gre sicer o časopisnem branju, vendar pomislimo ...
"Acting requires a lot of preparation. You've got to understand the person that you're playing, and to do that, you've got to understand yourself and the world around you. And the best way to learn that is by reading. I'm Meryl Streep. And whether you want to be an actor, or an athlete or an architect, reading is vital. Especially newspapers. Newspapers let you know what's happening like nothing else can, and reading will help you become a star, in the most important role of all: life."
Beseda gre sicer o časopisnem branju, vendar pomislimo ...
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Tukaj je nekaj njenih izjav o njej, npr.:
"Success is often provided by the exception to the Rules for Success. People who have broken through color and gender lines, class and cultural bias, have done so despite an array of reasons as to why they shouldn't be able to do so. In this way, success may ultimately have more to do with your own personality, focus, and optimism than your gender, race or background. Put blinders on to those things that conspire to hold you back, especially the ones in your own head. Guard your good mood. Listen to music every day, joke, and love and read more for fun, especially poetry."
Pa to se sliši bolje kot Rugelj, Bach in Fromm skupaj.
Ma ja sej maš prav.
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